A place where the words Child, Trust, Ecology, Curiosity, Science, Imagination, Responsibility, Excellence, Idea, and Empathy are written with capital letters!
Pravac School
What is the concept of Pravac?
Frequently asked questions
Our list of frequently asked questions, compiled from questions we have received from parents, is here to ease your seach for information. If you cannot find what you want to know here, please contact us or try our website’s search feature.
How did Pravac elementary school come to be?
Pravac has grown out of twenty years of development of the Povratak prirodi preschool program. You can find out more about the history of Pravac on the “our story” page.
What academic programs does Pravac follow?
Pravac elementary school works in accordance with the curriculum of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and with the Law on the Education System Foundations. You can find more detailed information about the school’s work and day-to-day program in the Elementary school section.
Is the school accredited?
The school is currently in the process of accreditation.
What is the average number of students per classroom?
The maximum number of students per classroom is 15.
How is class plecement determined?
By calendar age, testing, and, for children who have completed prior grades in programs other than the Serbian national program, on the basis of procedures determined by the Ministry of Education.
Who are the teachers of Pravac?
From the first elementary school cycle, our classroom teachers collaborate with our subject teachers in the conception and implementation of both curricular and extracurricular activities.
You can find out more about our teachers on the staff page.
Does Pravac offer extracurricular activities?
Yes. We run the following programs: Epidaurus (art and creativity), Zapis (mythology), City Explorers (science and ecology),and Dokolica (games and social play).
There is more about extracurricular activities on the Being Here page.
Do students use technology in class?
Teachers employ modern technology in their teaching. For students in grades 1 through 4, preference is given to paper and pencil.
Do you encourage parents to participate in the work of the school?
Yes, we welcome communication through the Parents’ Council.
Also, parents have an ongoing dialogue with classroom teachers and expert collaborators – we have open-door appointments. Parents will also receive information about their child’s progress in writing – the student’s electronic diary and portfolio, comments and suggestions in their notebooks, periodic progress reports, etc. If necessary, meetings can be scheduled with our counseling service, our director, and other relevant partipants in the work and life of the school. These are all opportunities for parents to participate and contribute.
Does Pravac organize trips and excursions?
We do. Details about trips and excursions can be found here.
Are there uniforms or a dress code at Pravac?
There are no uniforms, but there is a dress code.
Does Pravac offer other languages?
In the first education cycle, students attend regular English classes. Beginning in fifth grade, in addition to English, they will have the opportunity to learn German, Russian or French.
Can children who need learning support apply for enrollment at Pravac?
Certainly. Determination of the necessary level of support (IEP, teacher’s assistant, personal assistant) is based on past assessments and reports, testing, and inclusion regulations.
Can children who do not speak Serbian at a high level apply for enrollment at Pravac?
Yes. Teaching is conducted in Serbian, but children receive support in acquiring the language.
What is the tuition fee?
For full details on tuition, other costs, and payment options, visit our fees page.