The founding entity of Pravac elementary school is POVRATAK PRIRODI CENTAR ZA RAZVOJ DEČIJIH INTERESOVANJA d.o.o. which has been successfully engaged in preschool education for over twenty years. Through its kindergarten activity, Povratak prirodi has direct contact with the parents of present and future elementary school students. Following the persistent interest of parents in continuing their children’s education in the spirit and model of Povratak prirodi, we have opened a primary school in the city center. Guided by our green approach, we have carefully chosen the location for its proximimity to several parks. Our school is housed in a building that affords the flexibility to accommodate our unique approach to learning.
Pravac elementary provides primary education in the Serbian language and Cyrillic script, based on the eight-year program of basic education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia.

Our story
“The fundamental tool we give to children is the impulse to think critically about the world around them!”