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Prostor za ucenje i sastanke ispod kosog plafona sa drvenim stolom i raznovrsnim stolicama u Pravac skoli

Elementary school

Pravac elementary school’s all-day classes are organized on the basis of the Rulebook for organizing extended stays, all-day classes, and classes in nature in primary schools (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, 77/2014 from 24th July 2014).

In all-day classes, all educational activity is conducted by a team of two classroom teachers, a subject teacher (English language), and a lecturer of the compulsory elective (civic education or religious education).

Implementation of core subjects, electives, optional programs, free activities, free time, class meetings, and other activity is distributed to two class teachers, who are equally assigned classes of direct work with students.

Teachers who teach Serbian language and mathematics alternate their work between the morning and afternoon periods.

“Children will not simply master the national curriculum, but will also be able to think critically about it!”

Daily program

The on-call teacher works from 07:45. Afternoon duty ends at 18:00, or when the last student is picked up by a parent or guardian.

Teachers of all-day classes must be constantly present with their students, so that they are not alone in any activity or left with other school staff. In the daily and weekly organization of all-day classes, the school provides:

  • Morning reception of students is from 07:45 to 08:00
  • Morning activities including classes, independent work, snacks and free activities from 8:30 to 12:00
  • Student lunch is from 12:00 to 12:45
  • Afternoon activities from 12:45 to 16:00 include classes, independent work and free activities.
  • Afternoon duty with snack from 16:00 to 18:00 during which students carry out their free activities.
The organization of all-day teaching in the school is specified in detail in the Rulebook on the work of all-day teaching in Pravac elementary school.
Vajana bista i drugi umetnicki predmeti u studiju za umetnost u Pravac skoli