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Being here

Being here with friends and teachers, each of us is able to develop and extend our knowledge and skills in different environments (nearby parks, sports fields, museums) through different sections and clubs, physical activity, and art workshops. On trips and excursions, we have the pleasure of discovering diverse landscapes and getting to know the different ways of life that are influenced by the special characteristics of their regions. This way of learning enrches the knowledge we acquire through curricular studies and connects us with the experiences, attitudes, knowledge, and skills of others through shared challenges.
Our common goal is to look at what interests us from different angles, and through our recreational and creative activities give form to ideas and artifacts that will stimulate the development and betterment of every part of our community.
Deca sede na podu i pise kineske znakove zutom bojom na crvenoj podlozi u vrticu Povratak prirodi

A child is the subject in their own life, not an object in the lives of others.