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Enrolling at Pravac

Every child has a unique developmental trajectory. Enrollment in Pravac elementary school prepares the ground for unhindered development of personality, expression of creativity, and innovation through play and teamwork. The child has an active role in their own life.

Admissions at Pravac elementary school take place from April 3 to the end of May in the current year for the following academic year. For the 2023/24 school year, the number of places in the first four grades is limited, so it is recommended to inquire about availability.

Enrollment of first-graders in the 2023/2024. 2023/2024 school year

In accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of the Law on the Education System Foundations, this school year enrolls children born before February 28, 2017. Children born in the period between March 1 and August 31, 2017, after the school readiness check administered by the school psychologist using standard procedures and instruments recommended by the authorized professional organization.

Read more about the enrollment process and tuition fees on the following pages:

Admissions process
Tuition Fees
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The child is an active participant and partner in the process of upbringing and education.