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Otisci decjih saka u brankastim tonovima na natur papiru kojim je oblozena donja povrsina stepenisnog kraka

We’re different

We create an environment that enables natural development of personality, creative expression, and innovation through play and teamwork. The result of our approach is freedom of expression, establishment of communication, and manifestation of authenticity that betters the whole community.

An integrative and project-based approach to learning ensures experiential knowledge that children benefit from throughout life.

Our integrative approach means that the knowledge gained is applicable, experiential, and practical.

Science laboratory

Experimental learning - Learning through trial and error – Formulating and testing hypotheses - Analytical thinking – The "aha" effect during knowledge acquisition

Work education

Acquiring work habits - Building confidence in the child - Developing responsibility - Strengthening team spirit and collectivity - Setting clear boundaries – Development of self-confidence

Empathy with nature

Respect for nature - Enthusiasm toward studying natural phenomena - Caring for our local plants and animals - Learning about natural cycles - Empathy with nature

Outside learning

The classroom without walls - Space as an educator - Practical application of knowledge – An active attitude toward the subjects of study – An adventurous approach to gaining knowledge - Direct contact between students and the things about which they are learning

Science laboratory

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Work education

Acquiring work habits - Building confidence in the child - Developing responsibility - Strengthening team spirit and collectivity - Setting clear boundaries – Development of self-confidence

Empathy with nature

Respect for nature - Enthusiasm toward studying natural phenomena - Caring for our local plants and animals - Learning about natural cycles - Empathy with nature

Outside learning

The classroom without walls - Space as an educator - Practical application of knowledge – An active attitude toward the subjects of study – An adventurous approach to gaining knowledge - Direct contact between students and the things about which they are learning


Progressive thought

We maintain forward-looking pedagogical thought and pedagogical science that makes no allowance for conformity, consumerism, laziness or passivity.


We create conditions to nurture a self-aware, creative, courageous child who is guided by both self-critique and critique of the world.


We raise children not with words, but with actions.


We have the resources and teams of experts in the natural and social sciences to design and implement empirical teaching through an environmental and sensory approach.


We implement bold, innovative, sustainable agricultural technologies in our school. Why? Because today, the issue of food production and fertile land is key to survival. Because our children understand that food does not grow in the supermarket, but in our gardens.


We encourage harmony between personal and collective interests.


The principle of collectivity is important in our pedagogical work: Our children's collective is not abstract; it is organized through action, has its own common goals, common tasks, and common responsibilities.

The child is the doer

We do not prepare the child for some kind of prescribed future; the child is an actor in their own life, an active agent in the evolution of their culture and environment.

Critical thinking

The basic tool that we give to children is critical thinking about the world around them.


We offer the formula of our work to the whole of society!