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Training center

The Center for Professional Development of Teachers and Expert Associates at Pravac elementary school is a scientific education center the purpose of which is developing characteristics and behaviors necessary for day-to-day teaching by focusing on key competencies and digital competencies.
Key competences (K4) represent a transferable, multifunctional bundle of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes necessary for personal accomplishment and development, inclusion, and employment. For teaching practitioners, they refer to:

Teaching topic, course, and teaching methodology
Teaching and learning
Support for the development students’ individual personalities
Communication and cooperation

“The modern teacher is an organizer and a leader in the teaching process, as well as a mentor (motivator) and an equal collaborator.”

Who is this for?

The program is primarily intended for students in their final year of college, but is also for graduate students who wish to improve their existing competencies through practice and elevate them to a higher level.

The center welcomes all teachers who are ready to embrace the principles of lifelong learning and continuous improvement. They should be open to participation in the ongoing review of school practice and the knowledge that informs it, and to proposing and implementing innovations for the improvement of our work.

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Goals of the training center