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Devojcica dodiruje model meseca

Mission and values

With a different approach to education, based on empirical knowledge and theory, Pravac elementary school creates an environment for mutual learning and development. We create a climate of safety, confidence, comfort, where child feels free to express their curiosity, explore, and learn from mistakes. We are establishing conditions and integrating emerging technologies that will enable and support the development of a green mindset, ecology, and eco-activism.

“The fundamental tool we give to children is the impulse to think critically about the world around them!”

A unique educational approach that forms a child with a sense of identity.

The child is always wondering

Pravac does not urge uncritical acceptance, but rather encourages asking questions – all knowledge can be questioned.

The child is constructive

We encourage children to be socially engaged and create positive relationships with the environment and the community.

The child is analytical

Children will not only master the national curriculum, but will also be able to consider it critically.

The child is an explorer

At Pravac School, the child remains curious, gains insight through creative expression, and enjoys the learning process.

The child is always wondering

Pravac does not urge uncritical acceptance, but rather encourages asking questions – all knowledge can be questioned.

The child is constructive

We encourage children to be socially engaged and create positive relationships with the environment and the community.

The child is analytical

Children will not only master the national curriculum, but will also be able to consider it critically.

The child is an explorer

At Pravac School, the child remains curious, gains insight through creative expression, and enjoys the learning process.


We strive for an education that is in accordance with the nature of the child and their development. We seek to understand the logic of nature, which teaches us to coexist on this planet and provides us with opportunities for research and learning.
Promote green thinking and sustainability
Create future leaders in sustainability
Develop the idea of "the school as a living laboratory"
Cultivate culture as localized creativity
Otisci decjih saka u brankastim tonovima na natur papiru kojim je oblozena donja povrsina stepenisnog kraka

Our values

The backbone of our approach comprises the values we sincerely seek to bring to bear on all of our actions.


Trust between and among pupils and their teachers is the foundation for all the work we do together. Everything hinges on it.

Nastavnik drzi gustera i pokazuje ga detetu


We seek to inspire boldness in our pupils not to be too timid to try, to fail, to try and fail and try again. This means growing.

Dete u sumi se penje na drvo


In forming the confidence that they will carry throughout life, children must feel that they can and should venture where their will takes them.

Deca i nastavnici opusteno leze rasirenih ruku i nogu na poljani


We remind ourselves not to fall back on familiar ways, but to exercise our creativity; every new moment is a chance for discovery.

Deca i nastavnik pokazuju ka projektnom platnu


Question everything! Let reason be the highest authority. In the pursuit of truth, we never stop asking “why?” and “how?”

Dete radoznalo posmatra modele kamila od balze na podprozorniku


In all of life’s big and small decisions, we are expected to own our actions and weigh them accordingly.

Dete u zastitnim crnim rukavicama sece balzu skalpelom


We understand that no one lives in a vacuum, and the most important challenges in life can only be met when we help each other.

Deca zajednickim radom rasciscavaju teren malim asovima